APN XL Internet Settings for Android and iPhone 2024

Miguel García Martín
Miguel García Martín

XL Axiata is a telecommunications network provider in Indonesia that provides mobile and data services. To access the internet services provided by XL Axiata, you will need to configure your device settings with the correct APN (Access Point Name).

In this article, we will be discussing the APN settings for XL Internet on both Android and iPhone devices.

What is APN?

An APN or Access Point Name is a gateway between a mobile network and the internet. It allows you to access the internet services provided by your network provider. When you connect to the internet using your mobile device, it sends requests through the APN to access the internet. Without the correct APN settings, you will not be able to access the internet even if you have a mobile data plan.

Configuring APN settings for XL Internet on Android

To configure your APN settings for XL Internet on your Android device, follow the steps below:

  • Go to Settings and select Mobile Networks.
  • Select Access Point Names and click on the + sign to add a new APN.
  • Enter the following details:
    • Name: XL Internet
    • APN: www.xl.co.id
    • Proxy: Not set
    • Port: Not set
    • Username: xl
    • Password: proxl
    • Server: Not set
    • MMSC: Not set
    • MMS Proxy: Not set
    • MMS Port: Not set
    • MCC: 510
    • MNC: 11
    • Authentication type: PAP
    • APN type: default,supl
  • Save the APN settings and make sure to select it as the default APN for XL Internet.

Configuring APN settings for XL Internet on iPhone

To configure your APN settings for XL Internet on your iPhone, follow the steps below:

  • Go to Settings and select Mobile Data.
  • Select Mobile Data Options and click on the + sign to add a new APN.
  • Enter the following details:
    • Cellular Data: APN: www.xl.co.id
    • Username: xl
    • Password: proxl
  • Save the APN settings and make sure to select it as the default APN for XL Internet.

Testing your XL Internet APN settings

After configuring your APN settings, it is important to test if the settings are working. To do this, turn off Wi-Fi and try to access the internet using your mobile data network. If you are able to access the internet, it means that your APN settings are working correctly. However, if you are unable to access the internet, recheck your APN settings and make sure they are correct.


Configuring the correct APN settings is essential for accessing the internet using your mobile data network. In this article, we have provided the APN settings for XL Internet on both Android and iPhone. By following the steps outlined above, you should be able to configure your device with the correct APN settings and access the internet through XL Axiata’s mobile data network.

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