Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini APN Settings

Miguel García Martín
Miguel García Martín
Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini apn settings internet

The Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini is a popular Android smartphone that was released in 2013. It features a 4.3-inch display, 8-megapixel camera, and runs on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. If you’re using the Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini and want to set up your APN settings, this article will show you how.

What are APN settings?

APN stands for Access Point Name. It’s a set of parameters that allow your device to connect to the internet. Each carrier has its own APN settings, and you need to configure your device’s APN settings to be able to use their services.

How to set up APN settings on Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini

To set up your APN settings on Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Settings

Step 2: Tap on More Networks

Step 3: Tap on Mobile Networks

Step 4: Tap on Access Point Names

Step 5: Tap on the “+” icon to add a new APN

Step 6: Enter the following details:

  • Name: Your Carrier’s Name
  • APN: Your Carrier’s APN
  • Proxy: Leave it blank
  • Port: Leave it blank
  • Username: Leave it blank
  • Password: Leave it blank
  • Server: Leave it blank
  • MMSC: Your Carrier’s MMSC URL
  • Multimedia message proxy: Your Carrier’s Multimedia message proxy
  • Multimedia message port: Your Carrier’s Multimedia message port
  • MCC: Your Carrier’s MCC
  • MNC: Your Carrier’s MNC
  • Authentication type: Leave it blank
  • APN type: default,supl,mms
  • APN protocol: IPv4
  • APN roaming protocol: IPv4
  • APN enable/disable: APN Enabled
  • Bearer: Unspecified

Step 7: Save the APN settings and make sure it’s selected

That’s it! You should now be able to use your carrier’s services on your Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini.

What to do if you’re still having issues

If you’re still having issues connecting to your carrier’s network after setting up the APN settings, here are a few things you can try:

  • Restart your device: Sometimes, a simple restart can fix connectivity issues.
  • Check your account balance: Make sure you have enough balance to use your carrier’s services.
  • Contact your carrier’s support: If all else fails, contact your carrier’s support team. They should be able to help you resolve any issues you’re having.

Setting up your APN settings on Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini is essential to connect to the internet or send/receive MMS messages. If you follow the steps above, you should be able to set up your APN settings quickly and easily.

If you’re still having issues, don’t hesitate to contact your carrier’s support team for assistance.

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